
I was talking to my co-worker the other day, post time change, about how I go to bed early now. Before I met Bryan and while we were dating and I lived on my own, I would regularly stay up past 11pm, maybe get six hours of sleep or so, and do that on repeat. I drank a lot of coffee; I was pretty wired, anxious, and exhausted. After we got married and I moved in, my rhythm of life began to match Bryan’s. He needed a solid eight hours, really loved nine, and on occasion would stretch to ten hours or occasionally short himself to six or seven. But mostly, it was bed between 9 and 10pm and up between 6 and 7am.

Bryan loved breakfast and busty brunettes (like Ron Swanson)–so we would be up early to have a full eggs, potatoes, fruit breakfast practically every morning and he would spoil me with my eggs cooked to order. Restful routine. Remarkably, I still do my best to get to bed early. I still get up to have breakfast (more along the lines of fruit, yogurt, granola, and nuts) early.

Why this description about restfulness and routine? I guess it’s these little elements of my daily life that continue to delight and surprise me. Bryan’s faithful habits and ways of walking in the world continue to affect me, help me, wrap me up in his goodness. I miss him so much and I feel all the ways he’s still here. How lucky am I to have had him as my person?

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