Checking In

Periodically, this is a text I send to people I love–a quick “hey, how are you?” “I’m thinking of you,” “I love you,” wrapped up in two words. It is really easy to become subsumed with one’s own life rhythms and struggles. Getting up and facing this world on the best of days takes a lot of energy. And yet, the thing that makes living in this world worthwhile is our connection to one another.

Recently, I went to a work conference in San Diego. The opening guest speaker, Liz Forkin Bohannon (I’m not going to give her bona fides or C.V.–that’s what Google is for), spoke of many things, but two really stuck out to me. One, don’t wait for your big idea to come to fruition. Give your small idea big idea energy and do that thing. Two, loneliness is the number one health crisis in our country. This echoes a philosophy I’ve held for a long time based on a song my big brother, Craig, introduced to me as a little girl in my Sabbath School class. I really love this particular version of “Brighten The Corner” by Ella Fitzgerald:

So let me reiterate, if I’m on the front porch, you’re automatically welcome to come join me. And I am diligently working to remove river rock and black plastic (again…) from the place where our wood deck used to be in the backyard so that I may have a red brick patio installed. That will be the venue for a summer potluck as soon as it’s done. Most weekend’s I’m pretty available for a walk or a cup of coffee. I will also do my best to reach out, too, with a “checking in” or a “come on over.” Our time is so short and our connection to each other is what makes the walk home beautiful. Come walk with me.

1 thought on “Checking In”

  1. I have some folks in my life that I should check in on too. I’ve just been so slammed with work that I have very little bandwidth for much else. But we’re VERY CLOSE to launching the big deal project and my days will be mine again.

    Also, once again I find myself wishing I lived in your neighborhood. Sigh.

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